• In New Delhi for the past week there has been a team of women actively fighting the spread of COVID-19. These women are a team known as ASHAs- it is an acronym for Accredited Social Health Activists which also spells the Hindi word for “hope”. They have been the first line of defense trying to stop the import of the Coronavirus.
  • They have been tracking down travelers who have just arrived from affected countries giving a list of of do’s and don’ts to the people suspected of carrying the virus. “Wash your hands, clean your living space, avoid crowds and elderly people. Also avoid eating foods outside, if you have a cough, make sure you are coughing into a mask. Call me if you need me and even if you don’t, I’ll be here! ” one of the women from ASHAs reported.
  • India has, so far, appeared to escape the worst of this pandemic. With only 606 cases and four deaths, they have been praised by the World Health Organization for the way they have responded. India’s first reported case: January 30th 2020. Population: 1.3 Billion
  • The work these people are doing, tracking down travels and their families, educating them on hazards and teaching them how to keep themselves and others safe. In Italy one in 12 people that have been affected by COVID- 19 are health workers. The CDC recommends that the health professionals doing this work wear full personal protective equipment before entering the homes of possible Coronavirus victims. According to workers in four different states of India, these people have not been given masks or hand sanatizer.

SOURCE: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nishitajha/india-coronavirus-cases-ashas?fbclid=IwAR1GZZ4ttn9q5jue3K__DQ4w5re0ibjHAZZtmSxSTXzaaJOYTGXGrdQJoM0

SOURCE: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/asha-workers-seek-equipment-training-to-deal-with-coronavirus-pandemic/story-capjLpsVBGSxmqs43VrD4L.html


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