
Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘We Will Have Coronavirus In The Fall’

trump knew about coronavirus lasat year

President Trump Had All Of These Warnings And Still Ignored The Coronavirus

Pres. Trump was warned for years that his administration wasn't ready for a deadly pandemic, but he still didn't act and now...

The novel coronavirus origins story: it all might have started long before the first...

0 The thinking about the origins of this novel coronavirus was the pathogen making a jump from...

HOW COVID-19 KILLS–I’m a Surgeon–And Why We Can’t Save You (Incredible Explanation VIDEO)

Dr. Duc Vuong, World's #1 Weight Loss Surgeon, Author of 13 books, explains how coronavirus kills its victims. The explainer video may...

Sheriff’s Office obtains arrest warrant for pastor of Tampa church that held two large...

TAMPA — The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office has obtained an arrest warrant for the pastor of a...

Doctor creates a 3D view of the inside of COVID-19 patient’s lungs

Scroll Down for video Dr. Keith Mortman's ( Chief of Thoracic Surgery ) rendering shows the damage COVID-19 does...

Inside a Queens N.Y.C. Hospital |Coronavirus (video)

Dr. Colleen Smith | Emergency room doctor | Elmhurst Hospital